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My name is Karen and I am the heart and hands behind Cozy Cabin Creations. Proudly born and raised in Calgary with a strong family history in the province, my life’s journey has had many twists and turns. Widowed at age 31 with 2 young sons, I became the sole owner of my late husband’s general insurance business, and I wasn’t even licensed yet! Family members match-maked me with a handsome young fellow who was also widowed and we were soon married. The stork came calling with a beautiful pink bundle of joy! Fast forward many wonderful years of wearing the hats of mom, wife, very successful career lady and now Grandma, it became time for something different. 


When I was considering retirement I wanted to retire TO something, and the day after I retired from the Financial World I started my own home-based business. I have always enjoyed candles, and in a search for a new hobby of creating unique candles I stumbled across your shared love for these products. For the last 5 years I have been volunteering in the NICU to give the wee ones a cuddle as the struggle to start life. I crochet blankets to gift to the long haulers in the NICU, and after hundreds of blankets I’ve decided to share these blankets with you. I use the proceeds of the blankets to buy more yarn to gift to babies in need.



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